Thursday, October 2, 2008


The West Suburban Chamber of Commerce & Industry sponsored a Business After Hours at the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory on the evening of Wednesday, Oct. 1 -- attracting a crowd of visitors from businesses in the organization's 7-community service area.

A free candy buffet with wine and other refreshments was set out for the guests and WSCOC Executive Director Robert Ware played host with candy store owner Jean Kuhn to greet everybody and promote the store's special offerings.

For instance, one might try their chocolate-dipped wine and champagne bottles or Sherman's ice cream (usually found only in South Haven, Mich.), their wide variety of caramel apples and $1.95 smoothies (which are tasty but don't hold a candle to those at Roly Poly, so we hear). And they always have samples. Mmm good.

Some of the visitors included Steve Palmer of Palmer Place (see The Sports blog for related story) in La Grange, Michael LaPidus of Roly Poly in La Grange, Linda Ester of Plymouth Place in La Grange Park, Cynthia Frymark of Frymark Floral Designs, Mercie Dahlgren and Mary Kane of ASD Business Services in La Grange, Maureen Barrett of Coldwell Banker in La Grange, Lynn Turgeon and Andy the Publisher from Coffee News in Broadview, Jeni Ozark of Sassy Spaces and Mary Jo Ardizzone of Edward Jones in Western Springs, Justin Hendricksen of Ace Car Rental in Elmhurst, Rocky Mountain employees Sara, Willa and Ashley, Chamber employees Donna and Donna -- and many others.

Revisit the website later Thursday for a more complete review of the party.

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